Monday, February 6, 2012

Kabaya Special Afternoon Milk Tea Chocolate

Many of you might be very familiar with the Kirin Special Afternoon Milk Tea drink that is sold in most Japanese supermarkets.  It is a very popular drink in Japan and is a nice blend of traditional English tea with milk and sugar.  The taste is very rich and also quite sweet.  Kabaya came along and thought how can we make this taste even better and have it as a snack instead of a drink?  By combining the taste with chocolate of course!  Green tea flavored chocolates are a plenty but milk tea flavored?  This I must try! 

Mmmm, milk tea and chocolate!

Riding the popularity of the drink, the logo of the Kirin Milk Tea takes up about 2/3 the real estate on the front of the box.  Large image of the chocolate itself takes up the rest.  An curious image of a jug of milk is also shown.  Is it to tell us the chocolates inside are milk chocolate or maybe that it's milk tea flavored?  We will never know... 

8 of these in every pack

There are 8 individually wrapped pieces inside each pack.  The taste is a bit on the sweet side but you can definitely taste the milk tea flavors.  You would think adding rich milk tea flavors to a rich milk chocolate would make this snack almost too heavy and over the top, but in reality it actually tastes quite nice.  The milk tea flavors enhances the milk chocolate but doesn't add any heaviness to it.  The combination is a bit sweet but that could just be me.

There are 47 calories per piece with 3g of fat, 4g of carbohydrates, and 2g of sugar.   I got this for $2.99 at the local store but I've seen it go for as high as $7.99 online!   All in all, this is a great tasting chocolate with a strong and rich milk tea flavor.  Despite the components, it doesn't overpower your with richness or heaviness but strikes a good balance between milk tea and milk chocolate.   Try one and let me know what you think!

Yep, just like the picture on the box

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